Volumes Published

Michael Stolberg
Medicine and the Body in Early Modern Europe
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Tommaso Ghezzani
The Kiss and the Medicine of Love
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Delving into the training, empirical observations, and public self-fashioning of learned physicians, this book explores key concepts of ancient and early modern medical theory, such as the notion of ‘total substance,’ and the idea of a super-elementary ‘innate heat.’ 
This monograph offers a revised critical edition and English translation of Francesco Patrizi’s Il Delfino, overo del bacio (c.1555), which survives in a single manuscript, compiled by an assistant and interspersed with autograph corrections by Patrizi himself. 
Matteo Pace
Dante and the Sciences of the Human
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Vivian Nutton
Andreas Vesalius and his ‘Fabrica’, 1537-1564
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Nicola Polloni                    Sylvain Roudaut
Hylomorphism into Pieces
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This monograph, by one of the world-leading experts on sixteenth-century medicine, studies a little-known period of Vesalius’ work, focusing on his revisions, annotations, and the impact of De humani corporis fabrica since its 1543 publication.
This collection delves into Dante Alighieri’s profound influence on medieval and early modern medical, scientific, and spiritual thought. It examines his interdisciplinary impact on understanding the body and mind, and his enduring legacy in various fields.
This monograph, by one of the world-leading experts on sixteenth-century medicine, studies a little-known period of Vesalius’ work, focusing on his revisions, annotations, and the impact of De humani corporis fabrica since its 1543 publication.
Simone Guidi                    Joaquim Braga
The Quantification of Life and Health from the 17th to the 19th Century
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Amalia Cerrito
Albert the Great and the Configuration of the Embryo
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Meagan S. Allen
Roger Bacon and the Incorruptible Human (1220-1292)
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This edited volume explores the intersection of medicine and philosophy throughout history, calling attention to the role of quantification in understanding the medical body. 
This book provides the first comprehensive treatment of Albert the Great’s (c. 1193-1280) notion of virtus formativa, a shaping force responsible for crucial dynamics in the formation of living beings.
This book examines Roger Bacon’s alchemical theories and explains how he believed that alchemy, in conjunction with humoral medicine, could illuminate the method of prolonging life to extreme lengths. 
Justin Begeley and            Benjamin Goldberg
The Medical World of Margareth Cavendish
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Jonathan Barry and            Fabrizio Bigotti
Santorio Santori and the Emergence of Quantified Medicine (1614-1790)
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Ruben Verwaal
Bodily Fluids, Chemistry and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Boerhaave School
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This book explores the importance of bodily fluids to the development of medical knowledge in the eighteenth century and reveals how physicians moved from a humoral theory of medicine to new chemical and mechanical models for understanding the body.
This book examines for the first time in English the life and works of Santorio Santori and his impact on the history of medicine and natural philosophy. Reputed as the father of experimental medicine, Santorio is also known for the invention of scientific devices.
This book is the first transcription and extensive commentary on a fascinating but overlooked manuscript compilation of medical recipes and letters by some of the most influential physicians and scholars of the early seventeenth century.