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Future Events / Online LecturesThis lecture examines Ambroise Paré’s pioneering contributions to surgery, including treatments for gunshot wounds and post-wound infections.16/07/2024
Conferences and Webinars / Events / Future EventsThis event honours the late Prof. Giuseppe Ongaro (1936-2023) with a one-day conference dedicated to exploring his multifaceted legacy in the history of medicine.27/09/2024
Future Events / Online LecturesIn this lecture, Paula De Vos explores the interaction of Galenic medicine and indegenous knowledge by analysing a series of texts of “rustic medicine” containing recipes for home-made pharmaceutical remedies that could be prepared in places “where there is no pharmacy”.30/09/2024
Conferences and Webinars / Events / Future EventsThis conference explores the use of alchemical remedies and processes in the cultural and intellectual context of pre-modern Europe, focusing especially on medical alchemy, whose ultimate goal was to create the elixir, a universal remedy capable of curing all diseases.22/10/2024
Future Events / VivaMente ConferencesThis VivaMente Conference investigates the relationship between narrative, rhetorical persuasion, and factual evidence in medical and medico-legal case-histories.24/10/2024
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    Past Events
Online Lectures / Past EventsIn this talk, Audrey Borowski highlights the continuity between Leibniz’s conception of life and that of an ideal society along with the tensions that this generates in his thought.16/07/2024
Online Lectures / Past EventsDavid Gentilcore explores how uses and consumption of plain water affected medical practice and everyday life.02/07/2024
Online Lectures / Past EventsGalen is one of the best sources on ancient nutrition and diet: he has little interest in luxury fashions, he records regular seasonal famines, and is at home in the fields talking to peasants as much as he is in the salons of his wealthy clients.27/06/2024
Online Lectures / Past EventsThis talk explores Cesalpino’s “De Plantis”, which laid the foundations of scientific systematics and became a milestone in the history of Western botany11/06/2024
Conferences and Webinars / Online Lectures / Past EventsThis series explores women’s contributions to various medically relevant fields and practices such as natural philosophy, household remedies, plant manipulation and selection, as well as midwifery.08/05/2024
Online Lectures / Past EventsThis talk examines several late sixteenth-century anatomical works that adopted either the terms and or methods of analysis and synthesis.09/04/2024
Online Lectures / Past EventsIn this lecture, I will discuss the “confit d’en cases” or “confectio infantium”, a remedy for breastfed infants with colic, meteorism, and aerophagia.19/03/2024
Online Lectures / Past EventsThis lecture explores how the various solutions offered to the problem of reaction became closer and closer to the modern meaning of this notion.05/03/2024
Online Lectures / Past EventsIn this lecture Ian Maclean explores Girolamo Cardano’s late philosophy, examining his diverse works in mathematics, astrology, and medicine, and their significance in Renaissance thought.20/02/2024
Online Lectures / Past EventsThis paper explores al-Farghānī’s “Elements of Astronomy”, a pioneering work in theoretical astronomy which widely adopts Galenic language and theories.13/02/2024
Events / Past Events / Winter SchoolsStudiolo Digital Humanities Lab is a new format for the Winter School, designed to meet the needs of those who, both inside and outside of academia, are faced with the digital revolution and want to make the most of it.12/02/2024
Online Lectures / Past EventsThis lecture will analyse the various types of causation that were involved in the therapeutic use of antidotes23/01/2024
Online Lectures / Past EventsThis lecture explores the role attributed by Albert the Great to the “virtus formativa”, a plastic force that in medieval natural philosophy was deemed capable of shaping the embryo so that the lineaments of the offspring would resemble those of the parents.19/12/2023
Online Lectures / Past EventsThis lecture provides an overview of the medical practices offered to the citizens of Byzantium, the role of hospitals and their connection with religious and political institutions.05/12/2023
Online Lectures / Past EventsThis talk focuses on Rupescissa’s medical alchemy and, more generally, on the development of medical alchemy in the Occitan-Catalan area.09/11/2023
Online Lectures / Past EventsIn this talk, Marco Papasidero focuses specifically on the thaumaturgical remedies used by devotees to cure their illnesses with the help of saints’ relics or miraculous waters.10/10/2023
Online Lectures / Past EventsHow did Galenism influence education, politics, and professional selection up to the late 17th century? A relevant and clear-cut source is Juan Huarte’s “Examen de Ingenios”, published in 1575 and soon censored.26/09/2023
Online Lectures / Past EventsIn the early modern period, the consideration opium underwent a theoretical change that made it more easily usable in everyday practice. In this talk, Dr Edoardo Pierini explores how, during the seventeenth century, the confluence of these factors instigated a surge in opium consumption, ultimately culminating in the manifestation of [...]12/09/2023
Events / Past Events / Summer SchoolsThis summer school will explore how heat, colour, and sound have been used, conceptualised and graded in the pre-modern cosmos shaping both disciplines of knowledge and everyday life.11/07/2023
Online Lectures / Past EventsThis talk examines Bacon’s alchemical theories and explains how he believed that the key to extending life lay not in the curricula as taught in the medical faculties of the universities, but in the study of alchemy.20/06/2023
Online Lectures / Past EventsIn this lecture, Prof. Harari explains why the account of the principles of demonstration found in the Greek commentary tradition on Aristotle’s “Posterior Analytics” is significantly different from Aristotle’s own account.06/06/2023
Online Lectures / Past EventsThis lecture focuses on the system of quarantine stations in the early modern Mediterranean.30/05/2023
Past Events / VivaMente ConferencesThis Vivamente Conference in the History of Ideas addresses a broad spectrum of issues to do with fertility (and infertility), with a particular focus on the transmission of ideas between Europe, the Islamicate world, and beyond.22/05/2023
Online Lectures / Past EventsIn this talk, Nuno Castel-Branco focuses on Nicolaus Steno’s geological studies and shows how the interest in fossils can be fully understood in light of his anatomical studies of the body.16/05/2023
Online Lectures / Past EventsDrawing upon several chapters of the book: “On the Edge of Eternity. The Antiquity of the Earth in Medieval and Early Modern Europe”, in this talk Ivano Dal Prete focuses on the diffusion of notions of an ancient Earth in vernacular culture and literature.
Online Lectures / Past EventsThis lecture explores Johann Schreck Terentius’ medical profile and journeys across Europe which was part of a holistic education in the ‘encyclopedic’ tradition of Lull and Ramus but had also a strong mathematical component.14/03/2023
Online Lectures / Past Events / Past LecturesIn this lecture, the art historian Joana Balsa de Pinho sheds light on the institutional transformations that led to changes in the typology of Portuguese hospital architecture.14/03/2023
Online Lectures / Past Events / Past LecturesBuilding on the latest research findings, this paper proposes to further explore the dialectic between, and the parallel development of, forensic rhetoric and Roman law in the 1st century CE with regard to the criminalisation of poisoning
Online Lectures / Past Events / Past LecturesIn this lecture, Jil Muller explores the role that Montagne and Descartes associate with the mesentery, the influence of Montaigne and Platter on Montaigne and whether Descartes’ thoughts on the matter changed over time.08/02/2023
Online Lectures / Past EventsIn this lecture, Fabrizio Bigotti analyses how the problem of the intensity of forces is taken over in medicine and how is then developed and transformed into the preoperational theory which sustained the invention of precision instruments by Santorio Santori (1561-1636).18/01/2023