Ambroise Paré and his Context
This lecture examines Ambroise Paré's pioneering contributions to surgery, including treatments for gunshot wounds and post-wound infections.
This lecture examines Ambroise Paré's pioneering contributions to surgery, including treatments for gunshot wounds and post-wound infections.
This series explores women's contributions to various medically relevant fields and practices such as natural philosophy, household remedies, plant manipulation
Galen is one of the best sources on ancient nutrition and diet: he has little interest in luxury fashions, he
In this talk, Audrey Borowski highlights the continuity between Leibniz’s conception of life and that of an ideal society along
David Gentilcore explores how uses and consumption of plain water affected medical practice and everyday life.
This talk explores Cesalpino's "De Plantis", which laid the foundations of scientific systematics and became a milestone in the history of
This talk examines several late sixteenth-century anatomical works that adopted either the terms and or methods of analysis and synthesis.
In this lecture, I will discuss the "confit d’en cases" or "confectio infantium", a remedy for breastfed infants with colic,
This lecture explores how the various solutions offered to the problem of reaction became closer and closer to the modern
In this lecture Ian Maclean explores Girolamo Cardano's late philosophy, examining his diverse works in mathematics, astrology, and medicine, and