Research Development Grant

This grant supports exceptional projects in the history of medicine, science, technology, and ideas, including philology. It enables scholars to independently organise events at the Domus Comeliana in Pisa, encouraging multidisciplinary approaches and covering activities like lectures, workshops, exhibitions, conferences, and public engagement events.

The Scheme at a Glance

Under this scheme, €1,500 plus the free usage of the Domus Comeliana (worth an additional €2,500 per day) will be awarded to the best proposals for a max-2-day event to be held in Pisa. The Research Development Grant is open throughout the year and is not limited to any career stage. It is intended to support the development of a specific field in which the applicant(s) are expert(s) and is intended as a complement to other funding, either prospective or already secured.

Application Process

Applications ought to meet the QRI criteria

criteria: quality, relevance, and internationality.

Events eligible under this scheme are lecture series, colloquia, conferences, workshops, exhibitions, digital and public engagement events (including engagement via media, figurative and performing arts), and similar.

The scheme is open to scholars of all careers and stages but previous experience in organising large events is desirable.

Applicants will submit an application form complete with their CV, a separate spreadsheet of costs (here) and a letter of commitment from each of the external sponsoring institutions, with the written authorisation to utilise their logo throughout the event on other

posters and advertising material.

The proposal should not exceed 1,500 words and must include a detailed description of the event, including how it meets the QRI criteria, state-of-art, name and number of invited speakers, time schedule, additional sponsors as well as whether registration fees are foreseen.

The Research Development Grant aims at fostering international cooperation among researchers and areas, an emphasis on big topics and a multidisciplinary focus are thus strongly encouraged. Events hosted at the Domus Comeliana are intended for an audience of up to 40 persons.

Grant Amount

up to € 1,500

Type of Event

2-Day Event


Any Time